Wednesday 17 November 2010


This task has given me the basic knowledge with InDesign which will help me when starting my main task as I will be able to start it straight away without having to work out what does what. The use of has given me the chance to find some interesting fonts that I may use within my next task, as I also know how this website works and what I have to do to get the texts into InDesign I feel a lot more confident in what I am doing.

Evaulating the images that I took have made me realise what I need to do when looking at my main task and how to understand what an image should look like. This can be useful when looking through many pictures I have taken by evaulating them and trying to figure out which one would be most suitable by looking at the aspects I have spoken about through this.

Altogether this has been a big help in preparing me for the main task that will be happening soon and I feel more confident that I can really get on with it without feeling lost in what I am meant to be doing.

Final Creation

This is my front cover called 'You' aimed at the students. The masthead looks like it has been sketched and is quite bold so it stands out. The red is a fairly unisex colour so it should not attract girls more than boys or vica versa. The date is in the top right hand corner and isn't too big so the attention isn't drawn from the masthead but is big enough for people to see.
The main flash is anchorage to the main image which means that this is the main point of the magazine in this issue and students will easily be able to understand this when glancing at the magazine. The main sells only use three colours which are black, red and yellow. I have only used three colours throughout the front cover of the magazine which are fairly unisex as it has to attract both genders. The main sells give an indication of what to find in the magazine and we can see this on the next page which will be the contents page.

The strap line is at the bottom of the magazine and explains the term dates for the college which will appeal to the students as they always like to know when they have a week or two off. This is something that will make people pick up this magazine and maybe read further then just the dates. There is no bar code on this magazine as it is free, also giving students more of an incentive to pick it up, if they had to pay I am sure most people would not bother. This is clearly displayed in the bottom right hand corner. The main image of this magazine is slightly placed to the right of the middle with the main sells and main flash around it.

This is the contents page mock up for my magazine to the Sussex Downs College students. The same font is used as the heading for this page and the yellow border around it, carrying on the same theme throughout the magazine this will help the magazine to flow well. The blue boxes are where the pictures will go, there will be a blue border around these pictures. These images will show what is in the magazine, which will also be told in the contents but gives the students something to look at. The contents page layout will carry on like the first three shown in this photo here. It is fairly simple with the colours carrying on from the front cover of the magazine. The font that is used for the masthead will be used for the page numbers and the headings for each page throughout the rest of the magazine.